Innovate Iloilo

About Innovate Iloilo

Launched in 2019, Innovate Iloilo is a public-private movement that aims to make the city & province of Iloilo a premiere innovation hub of the Philippines by 2030.

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Innovate Iloilo started as an initial discussion between the private andpublic sectors in Iloilo City and Province in late 2018. The initial organizations who came together are the Department of Science and Technology, the Iloilo City Local Economic and Investment Promotions Office, Iloilo Province Local Economic Development and Investment Promotions Office, Iloilo Business Club and Iloilo Government, Industry & Academe Council, Iloilo Federation of IT, Global Shapers Iloilo and the Iloilo Economic Development Foundation. As the months progressed, more stakeholders were engaged and a series of workshops were organized to come up with the framework for Innovate Iloilo.

INNOVATION is the creation of new ideas that results in the development of new or improved policies, products, processes or services which are then spread or transferred across the market”
Definition from the Philippine Republic Act No. 11293 or the “Philippine InnovationAct